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Cervical Cytology Initial Training


Course Information

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Cervical Cytology Initial Training


Cost: £350 per person

Start Date: Tuesday 23rd  and Wednesday 24th January 2024

For enrolment,  please email [email protected]

Entry Criteria: Registered professional working in a clinical area where cervical screening is offered to women.

Course Lead: Senior Lecturer Kairen Roche email [email protected]

Course Overview:

Public Health England Education Pathway (2020) have set guidelines to support education in sampler taking, this includes-


Pre theory session: completion of workbook (3 hours) considering Anatomy and Physiology (A/P) of pelvic organs supported by access to e-learning for health module (self- directed study)

Taught content: 6 hours theory – [online delivery]

Practice: 3 hours simulation – on campus - skills lab at Black Heath Lane


Initial theory – delivered online over 12 hours with 3 hours practice simulation taught on campus. There will be Clinical Practice component undertaken whilst working with a cytology mentor. Final cytology sample taker assessment is undertaken in clinical practice by a cytology practice assessor.

Course Code


Course Leader

kairen Roche
Course Description

Theory: 1 day (taught online)

  • Introduction to Cervical Cytology New Sample Taker Training:
  • Background to NHS Screening Programme / Equality of access
  • Organisation of the NHS cervical screening programme:
  • Laboratory Screening pathway: understanding test results
  • Colposcopy pathway:
  • Virtual laboratory tour of colposcopy and cervical pathology


Simulation Learning: 3 hours skills lab session at Black Heath Lane

  • Clinical Practice/ A/P review: skills lab -practical aspects of taking samples; use of manikin’s students able to learn/practice examination and sample taking procedure. The manikins have examples of some different diagnosis in the manikins to aid learning.


Clinical Practice: Student applies for trainee sample taker PIN from local laboratory and is required to complete a logbook of clinical practice: student identifies a cytology mentor (must be a trained sample taker) who undertakes supervision and signs off interim assessment.

 In Clinical Practice-

2 observed samples

  • 5 supervised samples
  • Interim assessment by mentor Q/A and cytology pictures quiz (undertaken on E Learning for Health platform)
  • 20 unsupervised samples/ audit
  • Final Assessment: minimum of 3 samples assessed by external cytology practice assessor (trained sample taker nominated by the university) signs off clinical practice in sample taker logbook.
  • Logbook sent to training provider (university) for verification of completion.


Student is also expected to arrange / undertake a colposcopy clinic visit. A Laboratory Tour need to be both signed off in sample taker logbook. Students must also reflect on the visits and produce a 400-word reflection of overall learning. There is a 20-question summary also to be completed to achieve at least 65%. University provides completion certificate. Sample taker then applies for sample taker PIN and is expected to maintain clinical competence.

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Cervical Cytology Initial Training